22-year-old digital artist crafts seriously amazing pictures using photoshop and stock photos

2018-02-05 20:41 GMT+8

1 / 4   These amazing pictures have been edited into fantastical scenes by digital artist Justin Peters. The remarkable images show an imaginary dream world created by photoshop and a mix of stock photos found on the Internet. /VCG Photo


2 / 4   Inspired by cosmology and nature, Justin Peters brings unexpected elements to the collage and creates a serene, surrealist atmosphere in the pictures. He borrows from the tradition of Cubism – a 20th-century movement with one of its most famous artists, Pablo Picasso. /VCG Photo


3 / 4   Inspired by surrealist artists such as Salvador Dalí, Vladimir Kush and Rob Gonsalves, Peters, in a very short period of time, has created his own style. /VCG Photo


4 / 4   Peters' works include elements of science and nature infused in each composition with a real sense, surprising the audience through dramatic conflicts and the changes in detail. /VCG Photo

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