A giant flock of flamingos fly over Lake Natron in northern Tanzania

2018-04-12 21:24 GMT+8

1 / 3   A giant flock of flamingos flew over a stunning 'Martian' landscape, which is in fact part of the amazing Lake Natron in northern Tazania. The deep pink color of the lake is a result of bacteria and other micro-organisms living in the water. /VCG Photo


2 / 3   The Lake Natron is an alkaline body of water with a PH level as high as 10.5. This can make the quality of water so pure that it is able to destroy organic tissue. /VCG Photo


3 / 3   As a result, the lake’s water can burn and damage skin and eyes, therefore many animals can’t adapt to the environment around the Lake Natron. Most predators will avoid this area. /VCG Photo

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