Chinese peacekeepers helped in school reconstruction in South Sudan
A ceremony has been held in South Sudan’s capital Juba to hand over a primary school reconstructed with support from a Chinese infantry battalion who were in South Sudan for a UN peacekeeping mission.
The Hope School located in the suburb area of Juba city schooled a dozen students before it was closed down in the wake of last year’s clashes in Juba, when desks, chairs and other teaching facilities were looted.
What was left for the students were the poor school supplies and they can only sat on the ground to take classes. Many students even dropped out of school because of laggard teaching conditions.
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Xinhua Photo
The third batch of Chinese peacekeepers sent to South Sudan offered their hands to improve school conditions. They made use of old tables and chairs, renovated into 16 brand new sets of chairs and desks. The troops also donated books, school bags and other school supplies.
"Thanks to the selfless help of Chinese soldiers," Isuman, the chairman of the parent committee of the school said. “There is a saying in South Sudan, if you do not wear good shoes, you cannot walk well. Similarly, without education, South Sudan is unlikely to rise.”
He expressed gratitude to Chinese soldiers in restoring school facilities, which provide an improved teaching environment for the children.
With better school conditions, more children were attracted from nearby villages. Until the day of the ceremony, about 50 students joined the school.
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Xinhua Photo
In fact, this is only a microcosm of the Chinese peacekeepers helping local people. Since their deployment to the area, the peacekeepers have carried out 32 rounds of medical examination and treated 358 cases. On this year’s international children’s day, they also donated stationery and clothing to local children.
"This is a very precious friendship. We will always remember these Chinese faces and remember the help of Chinese soldiers." Local villagers said the help from Chinese peacekeepers ignited their desire for a better life.
A 700-member infantry battalion, the third batch of its kind was deployed in Juba, capital of South Sudan in December last year.