Iconic National Geographic photographs comes to Beijing
By Shen Li
An exhibition of photographs taken for America's National Geographic Society over the past 130 years recently opened at Beijing's World Art Museum.
"National Geographic: A New Age of Exploration" reveals the captivating stories behind unforgettable images – from the piercing green eyes of the Afghan girl to Jane Goodall's encounters with chimpanzees.
"Afgan Girl" on display at Beijing’s World Art Museum. /CGTN Photo

"Afgan Girl" on display at Beijing’s World Art Museum. /CGTN Photo

With the photography of National Geographic, the diversity of the world is brought to Beijing, with both its nature and people from many different cultures.
Photo wall dedicated to front covers of “National Geographic” magazine.  /CGTN Photo

Photo wall dedicated to front covers of “National Geographic” magazine.  /CGTN Photo

Visitors get to see up close photographs – from the piercing green eyes of the Afghan girl, the loving family moment of emperor penguins, to Jane Goodall's encounters with chimpanzees.
Each image has an introduction in both Chinese and English.
"Southern Ocean" (1996) by photographer Maria Stenzel. /CGTN Photo

"Southern Ocean" (1996) by photographer Maria Stenzel. /CGTN Photo

Huang Di who helped curate the exhibition talked about the purpose of the exhibition,"it's really showing the stories behind these photos. Also there's an interactive installation at the exhibition. Visitors can browse through the touch screen and find out more about an ancient redwood which is 112 meters tall, with over 3,200 years of history, and admire its awe-inspiring beauty."
The magazine has been in publication since 1888, and its vast array of cover stories has taken us to places we only dream of visiting: deep within the rain forest, miles below the surface of the ocean, and into the farthest reaches of the universe.
A front cover of "National Geographic" on exhibition. /CGTN Photo

A front cover of "National Geographic" on exhibition. /CGTN Photo

This visual feast has attracted many shutterbugs.
One visitor told CGTN: "I'm very passionate about photography and I know it's extremely difficult to make the front cover of the National Geographic. Behind every front cover photo, there may be over a thousand that don't get chosen. I want to know more about the back stories of the famous photos, and the exhibition has done a really good job of it."
"National Geographic: A New Age of Exploration" runs until June 24.