200th Anniversary of Marx's Birth: Marx's Footprints: He spent many important years of his life in Belgium
Now let's head to Belgium, where Marx spent many important years and wrote the work he's most famous for. Our correspondent Jack Parrock tells us more from Brussels.
JACK PARROCK BRUSSELS La Maison du Cygne, the house of the swan, here in the famous Grand Place of Brussels, now a brasserie, but was once the legendary place where Karl Marx is said to have written his famous book, the Communist Manifesto. He's believed to have started writing that here in Brussels in 1847, it was published in 1848. And Karl Marx moved to Brussels in the February of 1845 after fleeing Paris - the French being against his political ideologies and his new beliefs and thoughts that he was publishing regularly. Now he arrived in Brussels at a time when a number of other thinkers and philosophers were also here - aligned with his ideologies, including Friedrich Engels and Moses Hess. They're believed to have lived all, in fact, on the same street in Brussels when they were here, writing their books.
Now Karl Marx eventually was forced to leave Belgium for being accused of arming Belgian workers with some inheritance money his father had given him. His legacy here is probably not as famous as in other countries, for instance in London where people flock to the grave of Karl Marx. Here there are a couple of plaques around the city in different places where he lived although most of those buildings have now been destroyed and replaced with others.
Brussels now is the head of the European Union where the leaders of the EU come to meet and where the executive body here exists. As far as Belgian politics goes, there isn't so much of a strength in the communist beliefs here in Belgium, but there is a relatively strong socialist party. Jack Parrock, CGTN, Brussels.