Apricot blossoms in early spring in N China
By Hu Chao
Spring is springing in China! As temperatures gradually climb, apricot flowers in northern Shanxi Province are already in full blossom.
Apricot flowers are blossoming on terrace fields. /CGTN Photo

Apricot flowers are blossoming on terrace fields. /CGTN Photo

Jishan County is located at the southern end of Shanxi. Daytime temperatures have risen to around 15 to 20 °C recently.
In Dongdayou Village, more than 200,000 square meters of apricot trees have blossomed, creating a world of sights and smells that tantalizes the senses.
The blossoming apricot flowers attract bees. /CGTN Photo

The blossoming apricot flowers attract bees. /CGTN Photo

The white flowers with a dash of pink, as well as their sweet smell, have attracted many visitors and photographers. Local villagers say the apricot flowers blossomed a week earlier than last year and it happened overnight.
Tourists enjoy a day at an apricot orchard, where flowers are blossoming. /CGTN Photo‍

Tourists enjoy a day at an apricot orchard, where flowers are blossoming. /CGTN Photo‍