Fitness Challenge: President el Sisi urges Egyptians to lose weight
Updated 16:57, 31-Dec-2018
Egypt's waistlines, are now in the headlines, after a study showed the country has the world's highest obesity rate. With more than a third of the nation's adults and a tenth of its children considered overweight, President Abdel Fattah El Sisi is urging citizens to lose weight. CGTN's Adel Mahrouky has the details from Cairo.
A national health campaign in Egypt for non-communicable disease has unraveled shocking numbers in obesity. The health survey that has investigated around 20 million Egyptians has shown that 75% of Egyptians are overweight. More than 35% of adult Egyptians and 10% of children are obese, and that 6% are excessively obese. The staggering statistics have urged the Egyptian President to comment.
ABDEL FATTAH EL SISI EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT "You need to make sure that you are healthy. Not just necessarily through check up, check your weight, how large is your waistline. We are losing our health. Not just about financial cost, money can be managed, but nothing can makeup for poor health."
Egypt has become the highest country in the world with obesity rates.
FEDA CHATILA DIETICIAN "Unfortunately in Egypt, there is an exaggeration in the way Egyptians eat, there is a sharp shortage in their daily intake of vegetables and fruits. There is an exaggeration in the use of saturated fats in cooking, they eat a lot of fried food, even the mixture of food they use loses its nutritious value."
In a country with nearly half its population under their poverty line, animal proteins, fruits, and vegetables are quite expensive for most people. Popular affordable dishes here are fava beans sandwiches and koshary - both very rich in carbohydrates. It's why the President's call for Egyptians to lose weight has seen an uproar on social media.
ABDEL FATTAH EL SISI EGYPTIAN PRESIDENT "We need recommendations to make sports a school subject with grades. All parents are concerned with driving their kids to school so they can get good grades and that's it. No one is teaching sports. When our sons finish high schools with weak bodies, they are subject to get back problems, and other diseases. Are we guaranteeing their future? Of course not. You need a school program that includes sports."
Since his election, President el Sisi has been keen to appear more than once to the public biking. An attempt to encourage the public to practice sports and keep fit.
ADEL EL MAHROUKY CAIRO "According to the Health Ministry, 84% of mortality rates are because of hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. Obesity solutions may be clear. They either need additional expenses to abide to certain food diets, or more time to engage heavily in sports. They are solutions that not so many Egyptians can afford to spare. Adel EL Mahrouky, CGTN, Cairo."