Standardized smiles to comfort anxious Chinese train travelers
Updated 10:33, 28-Jun-2018
By biting on a small stick, a group of train attendants practice exposing only a limited number of teeth when smiling in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province on January 11. /CFP Photo

By biting on a small stick, a group of train attendants practice exposing only a limited number of teeth when smiling in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province on January 11. /CFP Photo

The exercise is part of “manners training” for the railway stewardesses, before they are sent on board Chinese bullet trains, joining their fellow colleagues in serving hundreds of millions of people anxious to go back to their families for the upcoming Spring Festival. /CFP Photo

The exercise is part of “manners training” for the railway stewardesses, before they are sent on board Chinese bullet trains, joining their fellow colleagues in serving hundreds of millions of people anxious to go back to their families for the upcoming Spring Festival. /CFP Photo

Putting on make-up also goes with the territory. /CFP Photo

Putting on make-up also goes with the territory. /CFP Photo