Uganda has stepped up military deployments along its border with the Democratic Republic of Congo. It's a response to at least 12 fishermen killed in recent attacks in the Lake Albert region. Congolese militia are believed to be responsible. CGTN's Michael Baleke has this report.
MICHAEL BALEKE KAMPALA, UGANDA "Uganda says several fishermen have been killed in the Lake Albert region in the past week - allegedly by unknown Congolese militia. It's prompted the government to issue a stern warning to the Democratic Republic of Congo."
OFWONO OPONDO GOVERNMENT SPOKESPERSON, UGANDA "Orders have been given to the UPDF to deploy in a posture that prevents attacks into Uganda or even infiltration into Uganda."
Lake Albert spans the DRC-Uganda border.
Both countries claim ownership of parts of the lake.
In recent months, Kampala has intensified its crackdown on illegal fishing.
However, the DRC has accused Ugandan fishermen of crossing into its waters, prompting the attacks.
The Ugandan government says the situation is unacceptable and has threatened to cross the border if the killings don't stop.
OFWONO OPONDO GOVERNMENT SPOKESPERSON, UGANDA "If the attacks persist and it becomes evident that the people who are attacking Ugandans or attacking Uganda come from DR Congo, as we often do, we shall reserve the right to conduct hot pursuit into the DRC."
MICHAEL BALEKE KAMPALA, UGANDA "Uganda government officials are preparing to meet their Congolese counterparts to discuss joint operations by fisheries and security officials. They're hoping to prevent future violence, and to mediate any disagreements over fishing rights in the area. Michael Baleke, CGTN, Kampala, UGANDA."