US-DPRK Summit: Trump says location and date of summit may be announced soon
President Trump says the time and place of his meeting with Kim Jong Un will be announced within days. On Saturday, Trump said the meeting could happen over the next three or four weeks.
DONALD TRUMP US PRESIDENT "We're setting up meetings right now and I think it's probably going to be announced over the next couple of days location and date."
Trump on Monday said the Peace House in the Demilitarized Zone could be a possible meeting venue. Located along the border between the DPRK and South Korea, the Peace House was also where Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in met. Analysts say the meeting between the US and DPRK leaders could be another step forward for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.
Jack Barton is with us in Seoul.
Q1. Pyongyang is poised to close the nuclear test site in the north of the country this month. How soon can we expect that to happen?
Q2. Japan, China and South Korea's leaders are going to meet in Tokyo next week. The DPRK's nuclear issue will be a key topic of discussion, right?