Spring Festival Travel Rush: More people choose to fly or take the train to travel home
Now for the latest on the Spring Festival travel rush, highway traffic has slowed down, but the volume at railway stations remains large. China has entered the twelfth day of the Spring Festival travel rush.
According to the Ministry of Transport of China, more than 730 million trips were made during the first 10-day period. That's a 3.3 percent decrease in comparison to the same time last year.
Railways have transported more than 89 million people home so far, with an increase of 0.45 percent from last year. Highway and water routes have both experienced decreases by more than 4 percent. This year, more people chose to fly home. The aviation industry has seen a boost, with a 9.78 percent increase from last year.
The first travel peak occurred two days ago, though the younger workforce aged between 25 and 30 has yet to travel home. The first peak for returning home for them will be tomorrow.