China's military leadership undergoes reshuffle
By Han Bin
The Communist Party of China (CPC)'s new Central Military Commission is ready to run the world's biggest military. The seven-member lineup was revealed Wednesday, after the close of the 19th Party Congress. The CPC Central Committee voted on a list of candidates nominated by the Political Bureau Standing Committee. 
Smaller Commission
The CPC Central Military Commission is the supreme strategy decision-making body, with Chairman Xi Jinping as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The lineup of the newly elected Central Military Commission includes two vice-chairmen and four members. One obvious change is a smaller commission – from eleven of the last session to seven. Xi Jinping remains Chairman. Xu Qiliang remains Vice-Chairman but now ranks first. Zhang Youxia advances to second Vice-Chairman. The new commission signals the completion of military restructuring.
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PLA Restructuring
Xi's reforms are unprecedented in the army's modern history. He has cut personnel by 300,000. Four General Departments – Staff, Political, Logistics and Armaments –  have all been retired, and replaced by 15 new units of six departments, three commissions, and six offices.  And the original Seven Military Regions have been trimmed to Five Theater Commands.
With the announcement of a new Central Military Commission, the PLA is entering a new era under Xi Jinping's leadership. The army is already the world's biggest, and now it is aiming to become the best. Changes will continue to unfold, as the military improves its capabilities under the new command structure.