China & The WTO: Expert: Increasing interest of WTO members in China's trade policies
Updated 07:39, 17-Jul-2018
With the World Trade Organization currently reviewing China's trade policy, CGTN sat down with a WTO director who discussed this year's review.
WILLY ALFARO, DIRECTOR TRADE POLICIES REVIEW DIVISION OF WTO SECRETARIAT "There is increasing level of interest of WTO members on China's trade policies and practices. The previous review got a lot of interest already, but this time, there was more. This is the illustration of China's role has been one of the key trading partners of the vast majority of the WTO members. So that explains why this time, a record number of questions have been raised to China before the meeting. That also explains why the meeting itself, the participation of all WTO members were very active I would say. This explains the increasing interest that members are having in China's trade policies and practices."
"China has become very active in the system and participates in all activities in the WTO, there are recognitions from many members China's participation in the system provide them with opportunities to increase and create investment flows."
"And members did raise questions about areas they want to have additional information or clarification. These areas were more or less the same as those that were covered in the previous review. The role of the state in the economy, the activities of state-owned enterprise to increase the level of transparency meeting notifications of WTO and so on."