Florida's Fight Against Climate Change: Environmental activists battle 'human-made disaster'
Updated 10:13, 02-Jan-2019
The US state of Florida has had a rough year. Massive hurricanes, toxic algae blooms, wildlife die-offs and flooding are just some of the hardships residents have faced. Is the region losing its fight against climate change? Or can environmental activists manage to overcome what they say is strictly a human-made disaster? CGTN's Nitza Soledad Perez reports.
"I'm out on the beaches this morning, checking things out, I was really hoping I was not going to find this, but I did, I'm at Naples Beach between first and third Ave and I walk out to this. There is another one."
That day Colleen Gill saw three dead dolphins. Gill is a clean water activist on a mission.
COLLEEN GILL CLEAN WATER ACTIVIST "For the last six months, I've been traveling beach to beach starting in Marco Island all the way up to the Sarasota beaches documenting conditions in real time via FaceBook live and other videos, trying to step in where the information is not getting out to let the public see what's really happening."
A number of dolphins have washed up dead on South Florida beaches in the past few weeks, and red tide is suspected. Some studies suggest fertilizers associated with sugarcane and citrus production are contributing factors. The past two years have been tough for the state: a green algae bloom emerged on the east coast, and a red tide on the west side - both toxic to wildlife and humans. In October, residents of the Florida panhandle lived through one of the strongest storms in years, Hurricane Michael. Last year, it was Hurricane Irma in the Florida Keys. A recent US government report confirms climate change is having an impact on Florida. But not everybody buys it.
ROBIN MCLAUGHLIN FLORIDA RESIDENT "I think it's a hoax. I think it's to get more money. I mean of course we have different things like more storms and hurricanes but I think it's a hoax."
NITZA "So why do you think we are having more storms and more intense hurricanes?"
ROBIN "Because it's part of the world. We are always going to get those things."
Some detractors believe it's part of the earth's cycle. But activists in Florida are convinced humans are to blame, and they want the federal government and state officials to act. Gill and other environmentalists recently showed up at an event with Florida governor-elect, Ron DeSantis.
DeSantis may not have provided them with the answers they wanted, but he addressed the clean water issue.
RON DESANTIS FLORIDA GOVERNOR-ELECT "We know that that is something that affects the way of life here in the state of Florida, affects our economy and I really view it as a foundational issue that we have to get right if we want to continue to be a prosperous state."
Florida activists will keep at it. For them, the fight against climate change transcends prosperity it's about survival. NSP, CGTN Naples, Florida.