The Panama disease is a deadly fungus that has ravaged hectares upon hectares of banana plantations across Asia, and continues to threaten banana industries all around the world. Even farms in as far away as Mozambique in Africa are threatened. But there's hope. In the Philippines, banana growers have been planting two different Cavendish varieties that appear to be relatively resistant to the fungus. CGTN's Barnaby Lo reports.
For several years now, banana growers in the Philippines have been quietly battling a plague. Panama disease, a fungus formally known as Tropical race 4, has killed more than 15,000 hectares' worth of Cavendish bananas in the Davao region, where most of the country's export-quality bananas are cultivated.
VICENTE MITRA ARR AGRI-BUSINESS CORP. "When you are attacked by the Panama, the transfer of the fluid from the trunk to the leaves is closed, so (Barnaby: It's blocked.) So that becomes very (Barnaby: So they don't get the nutrients.) They don't get the nutrients, the water, and all those things, so they die."
First things first when a plant gets infected - Quarantine. ARR Agri-Business, which owns this plantation, has lost half a hectare to Panama disease. It's a relatively small area, but without the proper precautionary measures, it can spread like wildfire.
BARNABY LO DAVAO DEL NORTE, PHILIPPINES So as you can see the security guard of the banana plantation is spraying on the wheels of our vehicle. That's disinfectant right there and there's also disinfectant here. I have to go through this sort of a "footbath" to disinfect my shoes.
These procedures have proven effective but small banana growers cannot afford them. The keys, according to industry leaders, are cooperation and a touch of charity.
STEPHEN ANTIG FILIPINO BANANA GROWERS AND EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION "Most of these small farmers, their farms are adjacent to the big plantations. If you don't help them, chances are their problem will become your problem."
There is as yet no cure for Panama disease, however, and although slower, it continues to spread in banana plantations across the Philippines. That's why growers have turned to other Cavendish varieties – the 218 and 219 – which they say appear mostly resistant to Tropical race 4.
STEPHEN ANTIG FILIPINO BANANA GROWERS AND EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION "The Cavendish is still the best. The 218 is an insurance that in case the Cavendish will be totally wiped out, then you have the 218 to replace."
Indeed, this isn't the first time bananas have faced the threat of extinction, but each crisis has resulted in new varieties that have proven to be resilient. Barnaby Lo, CGTN, Davao del Norte, Southern Philippines.