Pakistan Minister: CPEC is not against anyone, it is for everyone
CGTN's Hou Na
With the implementation of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a flagship project of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, the people of both nations are gaining tangible benefits.
Ahsan Iqbal, the Federal Minister for Interior and Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms is in Beijing, where he attended the 86th Interpol General Assembly which closes on Friday.
As the minister in charge of implementing the CPEC related projects in Pakistan, Iqbal spoke highly of the Initiative. 
Ahsan Iqbal spoke to CGTN's Hou Na. /CGTN Photo

Ahsan Iqbal spoke to CGTN's Hou Na. /CGTN Photo

He said the economic corridor is a transformation project which effectively brings China's Belt and Road Initiative and Pakistan's own Vision 2025 together.
The regions of South Asia, China and Central Asia serve as important engines of economic growth in Asia and are bonded closely by this innovation. It also offers a platform for global supply chains through which Pakistan and China would be able to facilitate regional and international trade contacts. 
In addition, it brings valuable investment into Pakistan amid serious energy crisis. By connecting South Asia, China and Central Asia via CPEC, more job opportunities could be created for over 3 billion people in the region.
On September 12, Ahsan Iqbal accused India of sabotaging CPEC through "acts of terrorism". He said that the Indian spy captured earlier this year was evidence that New Delhi is channeling personnel, weapons and money to terrorist groups with an aim to destablize Pakistan. 
Ahsan Iqbal spoke to CGTN's Hou Na. /CGTN Photo

Ahsan Iqbal spoke to CGTN's Hou Na. /CGTN Photo

When asked by CGTN to comment on this matter, Iqbal said it is unfortunate that some neighboring countries are feeling apprehensive about CPEC. But it is not against anyone, CPEC is for everyone.
"No one can obstruct the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, and we will make sure of the project’s success," he said, adding that "the CPEC is the testament to China-Pakistan friendship."
He said Pakistan has raised a special force of about 15,000 personnel who are assigned exlusively for the security of Chinese personnel at the CPEC Project. 
Ahsan Iqbal taking photo with CGTN's Hou Na. /CGTN Photo

Ahsan Iqbal taking photo with CGTN's Hou Na. /CGTN Photo

China and Pakistan agreed to strengthen anti-terrorism and security cooperation along CPEC in this month.
Iqbal spoke highly of the Chinese President Xi Jinping's speech at the Interpol conference. He thought global security governance must be inclusive and each country's security considerations must be taken into account.