China in a New Era: Fujian province vows greener, higher-quality development
Updated 22:55, 19-Jul-2019
In celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, officials from one southeastern province say they will step up green efforts and high-quality development. They will also provide more favorable measures to businesses across the Taiwan Strait and act as a business hub linking countries across the world. CGTN's Zheng Yibing has more.
A greener environment and more sustained development.
Southeastern China's Fujian province vows further efforts for such goals.
Since it became China's first pilot zone for ecological conservation in 2016, it now has the nation's highest forest coverage, almost 67 percent, and its successful experiences are being introduced to other parts of the country.
YU WEIGUO SECRETARY, FUJIAN PROVINCIAL CPC COMMITTEE "We will continue drawing up a blueprint in building a good ecology. Now for this, Fujian sees clean water and green mountains. It is also becoming an economic power house."
Last year, Fujian's GDP totaled 521 billion U.S. dollars, putting it in China's top ten GDPs.
Yu says that the growing economy is driven mostly by reform and innovation, not by exploitation like in the old days.
He adds that a good ecology corresponds not only with a better living environment, but attracts more business deals.
Last year, Fujian's imports and exports reached nearly 190 billion dollars, another high ranking nationally.
YU WEIGUO SECRETARY, FUJIAN PROVINCIAL CPC COMMITTEE "We will stick to the new ideas and push forward green and high-quality development and build a better Fujian."
As the closest province to Taiwan, Fujian vows to provide more favorable measures to businessmen across the Taiwan Strait.
And as a starting point of the ancient and modern maritime Silk Road, it also promises to act as an efficient business hub linking countries across the world.
All these are based on the new and big idea of building a better environment.
ZHENG YIBING BEIJING "Experts say for Fujian province, pursuing greener initiatives is the only way to gather strength, and to truly bring benefits to people and future generations. Zheng Yibing, CGTN, Beijing."