Would you like an office like this?
What would your ideal office look like? Well, Amazon has turned its office into an indoor rainforest. Around 40,000 plants from 50 countries on five continents were introduced into its new headquarters buildings, three domes in downtown Seattle. /VCG Photo

What would your ideal office look like? Well, Amazon has turned its office into an indoor rainforest. Around 40,000 plants from 50 countries on five continents were introduced into its new headquarters buildings, three domes in downtown Seattle. /VCG Photo

This seems like an adventurous game at Disneyland but actually it is a library of Google’s new Canadian engineering headquarters in Kitchener-Waterloo in Ontario. /VCG Photo

This seems like an adventurous game at Disneyland but actually it is a library of Google’s new Canadian engineering headquarters in Kitchener-Waterloo in Ontario. /VCG Photo

Staffers work around the track in the Inventionland Motor Speedway, where they design products like toy cars in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The workspace is home to Davison, a product development firm. Goerge M. Davison, the founder and CEO, hoped this place could inspire his staff with its wacky surroundings. /VCG Photo

Staffers work around the track in the Inventionland Motor Speedway, where they design products like toy cars in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The workspace is home to Davison, a product development firm. Goerge M. Davison, the founder and CEO, hoped this place could inspire his staff with its wacky surroundings. /VCG Photo

To help their employees relax, Google bought some Lego blocks for its New York offices. /VCG Photo

To help their employees relax, Google bought some Lego blocks for its New York offices. /VCG Photo

A staffer slides down a chute in a Beijing office of PiaoWang, an online retailer selling essential oils. Staff could slide down from the second floor through the chute in a “jungle.” /VCG Photo

A staffer slides down a chute in a Beijing office of PiaoWang, an online retailer selling essential oils. Staff could slide down from the second floor through the chute in a “jungle.” /VCG Photo