Brazil is looking to capture a share of the Chinese market with new products at the first ever China International Import Expo, which opens in Shanghai next month. One of those products is the exotic tropical acai berry. Lucrecia Franco, in Rio, has more.
This is the Amazon River, a water highway for acai pickers.
Their workplace: Brazil's rainforest, where a growing number of people are harvesting acai berries by hand as they have done for centuries.
But now this main food staple of the Amazonian indigenous populations is reaching far beyond Brazil's borders.
Petruz Acai, one of Brazil's largest acai producers, is among the more than one hundred companies that will feature their products at the first Chinese international Import expo.
RAFAEL FERREIRA, MARKET SALES DIRECTOR PETRUZ ACAI "This expo in Shanghai is very important because the Chinese market has a lot of potential and we are interested in exploring new markets, meet new clients and sign new deals in Asia."
In January, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced on the Belt and Road forum for international cooperation that China would host a five-day expo which begins on November 5th.
As one of the Expo's guests of honor, Brazil believes it has a unique opportunity to showcase some non-traditional exports, from fashion to food and beverage sectors.
AUGUSTO CASTRO, GENERAL MANAGER BRAZILIAN TRADE AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION AGENCY "The Chinese market is transforming very fast like, for example, what is very fashionable in China nowadays is the so called superfruits, super foods, for example, avocado and acai. This is some products that have a great opportunity in the Chinese market."
90 percent of Central American has often been marketed. Acai pulp is a rich source of antioxidants, fibers, mineral salts and Omega fatty acids. The berry is often used in anti-aging, vegetarian and sports diets. Petruz already exports to 30 countries.
LUCRECIA FRANCO RIO DE JANEIRO "Brazil wants to make a splash in China's first import Expo that's because, in the next five years, Brazil's biggest trading partner is expected to import products and services worth more than ten trillion dollars. Lucrecia Franco, CGTN, Rio de Janeiro."