Syrian army captures key ISIL stronghold in Deir al-Zour province
Citing a military course, SANA, the Syrian state news agency reported that the Syrian army and allied fighters captured the key city of al-Mayadeen, located in the countryside of the eastern province of Deir al-Zour, on Saturday.
The capture of Mayadeen city came after intense battles with ISIL, as the city was one of their last key strongholds in Deir al-Zour near Iraq.
Regarded as the ISIL capital of the region, the city had served as an important hub for ISIL between the city of Bukamal in the remote eastern countryside of Deir al-Zour, on the Iraqi border, and the capital city, where the ISIL has lost key ground.
A Kurdish fighter from the People's Protection Units (YPG) looks at a smoke after a coalition airstrike in Raqqa, Syria June 16, 2017. /Reuters Photo via Xinhua

A Kurdish fighter from the People's Protection Units (YPG) looks at a smoke after a coalition airstrike in Raqqa, Syria June 16, 2017. /Reuters Photo via Xinhua

The city lies on the eastern bank of the Euphrates river, and the advance of the Syrian army in that area helped in tightening the siege on the ISIL militants inside Deir al-Zour city.
The Syrian army has managed to advance against ISIL in Deir al-Zour with the help of Iranian-backed fighters, airstrikes and Russian special forces.
Last month, the army broke ISIL's three-year siege on Deir al-Zour, capturing 75 percent of the capital city and continuing to attack the ISIL positions in the countryside of the oil-rich province.
This comes amid reports that ISIL has almost lost its de facto capital in Raqqa as a result of the progress achieved by the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces.
The terror group is now holding the city of Bukamal, the last key stronghold in Deir al-Zour, and its defeat in that area would be the beginning of the end for the group in Syria.
Source(s): Xinhua News Agency