A teenage girl fell about 8 meters from a stopped gondola ride at an upstate New York amusement park on Saturday night, tumbling into a crowd of park guests and employees gathered below to catch her before she hit the ground.
The 14-year-old girl from Greenwood, Delaware, was taken to Albany Medical Center in stable condition with no serious injuries, the Warren County Sheriff's Office said.
The accident happened on the "Sky Ride" at Six Flags Amusement Park, about 88.51 kilometers north of Albany, New York.
The accident caught on video posted online showing the girl dangling from the green gondola as a crowd gathers below her, before she loses her grip and falls down.
Matthew Howard Sr. and his daughter, Leeann Winchell had caught the teenage girl.
Howard said he stood under the ride and promised he would catch her.
Howard has been released from hospital after being treated for a back injury. The girl remained hospitalized.