In a world with many divisive issues, one iconic cartoon character has managed to create a common cause for celebration. Mickey Mouse turned 90 recently, and festivities have been put on in many places around the globe, to mark that occasion. CGTN's Maria Galang has more.
The world's most famous mouse is 90 years old.
Brainchild of illustrator and entrepreneur Walt Disney, Mickey is the enduring symbol of the multibillion dollar Disney brand.
The 90th anniversary of the cartoon character's debut on the silver screen is a chance for collectors to get their hands on some rare merchandise.
Seven vintage posters, dating from the 1930s to the 1940s, have gone on display at an exhibition in London. They're expected to fetch thousands of dollars.
BRUCE MARCHANT SOTHEBY'S FILM POSTER CONSULTANT "They're particularly rare posters from England, France, Belgium and two of them are the only known surviving examples and three of the others there is certainly less than five known. So we're talking about some of the rarest animation posters in the world."
Numerous contemporary artists also paid tribute to Mickey Mouse at an exhibition in New York.
BECKY KLINE WALT DISNEY ARCHIVES DIRECTOR "We wanted to tell Mickey's story from beginning to end and focus on the different things in his life that are the most relevant today, but also things that people might not know so much about."
The interactive space offers a trip back in time and photo opportunities for visitors
BECKY KLINE WALT DISNEY ARCHIVES DIRECTOR "Yeah, that's Annette Funicello's 'Mickey Mouse Club' outfit. Probably the most famous sweater in the world is on that - is on that mannequin in the other room. It's a really beautiful piece, and it has the skirt and of course her shoes and socks and her very famous Mouseketeer hat."
Over the last 90 years, Disney theme parks have popped up worldwide, including Paris and Japan.
On Sunday, visitors making a trip to see Mickey Mouse at Tokyo Disneyland were warned the wait would be long.
As Mickey marks another milestone, it's clear that Disney's most popular icon will continue, not just to be a nostalgic reminder of our childhoods, but also a highly lucrative brand. MG, CGTN.