The Communist Party of China (CPC) has grown steadily in recent years, up 688,000 members in 2016 alone to hit a total membership of 89,447,000 by the end of the year. That’s bigger than the population of Germany, and closing in on that of Vietnam.
Who are the members?
Citizens of all walks of life are eligible to join the Party, regardless of their socio-economic status, ethnic background, or gender.
By the end of 2016, 45.9 percent of members held junior college degrees or above, 25.7 percent were women, and seven percent were ethnic minorities.
Aspiring members must fulfill certain conditions, including being over 18, accepting the Party's Constitution, being willing to join a CPC organization and its activities, and implementing the Party's decisions.

New Party members take an oath to join the CPC and old Party members review their oath in east China’s Nanchang city, Jiangxi Province, July 4, 2017. /Xinhua Photo
Like many political parties across the world, regular membership fees must be paid. In the case of the CPC, fees are set at a percentage of salary which increases incrementally with income.
Every member, irrespective of position, must be organized into a branch or other specific unit of the Party.
What’s the application process?
Want to join the CPC? The first step is to write an application letter and get the endorsement of two full Party members. The application must be accepted at a general membership meeting held by the Party branch you are seeking to join.
Next, your application will be discussed by the next higher Party organization. If your application is approved, full membership will be granted after a one-year probation period.
And should you change your mind, members are free to withdraw from the Party at any time.
19 CPC National Congress animations
What is the Communist Party of China?