Chaoyang resident discovers suspects by unusual food delivery
Residents living in Chaoyang District, Beijing were given the nickname of “world’s fifth largest intelligence agency”, by Chinese netizens due to their excellent intelligence-gathering ability.
A middle-aged woman Wang living in Chaoyang District reported a suspicious man who had unusual behavior to the police and helped the police to capture a place for illegal prostitution. 
Wang is an active member among the "Chaoyang masses." In May 17, 2017, when she was patrolling the neighborhood, she found a man suspicious. 
Wang discovered the man never went to work and always went in and out his apartment, acting in a furtive way. In addition, the man ordered a large amount of food everyday, while he seemingly lived alone, which drew Wang’s attention. 
A group of the "Chaoyang masses" patrol the community. /VCG Photo 

A group of the "Chaoyang masses" patrol the community. /VCG Photo 

Chaoyang police started to investigate this issue after Wang's report, soon they discovered the place was involved in illegal prostitution.
According to Chaoyang police, the man was a procurer and six prostitutes lived in his place, never stepping out of the apartment.
Many elder people like Wang living in Chaoyang District actively engaged in offering information to the police, which helped the police to solve a lot of cases.
A mobile phone app “Chaoyang Masses” was launched by Beijing police in February, 2017. /VCG Photo

A mobile phone app “Chaoyang Masses” was launched by Beijing police in February, 2017. /VCG Photo

A mobile phone app “Chaoyang Masses” was launched by Beijing police in February, 2017, allowing more local residents to report suspicious cases to the police by uploading words, pictures and videos on the app.
A 27-year-old man Li Jun (pseudonym) discovered three suspicious men outside the gate of a shopping mall near the North Third Ring Road in Beijing, so he took photos secretly and uploaded them on “Chaoyang Masses” app, which helped the police to catch a pick pocketing group on spot, with seven mobile phones found and three suspects detained, Beijing Daily reported.
By the end of 2017, over 140,000 Chaoyang residents registered with their real names on the app. As the land area of Chaoyang District is 470.8 square kilometers, there are over 300 "Chaoyang masses" in every square kilometer, reported.
Local residents can upload any suspicious clues on "Chaoyang Masses" app. /VCG Photo 

Local residents can upload any suspicious clues on "Chaoyang Masses" app. /VCG Photo 

According to the statistics of Chaoyang police, around 70,000 "Chaoyang masses" actively interacted with the police among all the registered, providing more than 20,000 clues to the police every month, which mainly focused on the theft of electronic bicycles, pick pocketing and drug related cases.
Chaoyang police received over 8,300 valuable clues last year, which led to 370 cases cracked, detaining 250 suspects and eliminating over 390 potential safety hazards.