EU-US Trade Row: EU to impose retaliatory tariffs on US from July
The European Union plans to impose additional duties on US imports in July... ratcheting up a transatlantic trade conflict following Washington's move to slap tariffs on EU steel and aluminum.
MAROS SEFCOVIC VICE PRESIDENT, EUROPEAN COMMISSION "Following today's decision to apply additional duties to selected imports from the United States, the Commission expects to conclude the relevant procedure in coordination with member states before the end of June, so that the new duties start applying in July."
At a press conference in Brussels, Sefcovic said the Commission had approved the tariffs of 25 percent on about 2.8 billion euros worth of US exports, including bourbon and motorcycles. EU tariffs on 3.6 billion euros of US imports could follow in 3 year's time or sooner, depending on the result of the EU's challenge against the US tariffs at the World Trade Organization.