What you need to know about CPC's third plenary sessions
The third plenary session of the 19th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee opened on Monday in Beijing ahead of the country’s highly-anticipated Two Sessions.
The timing of the three-day gathering is of great importance, taking place a few days before the political season in China gets underway.
The first session of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the country’s top political advisory body, will open on March 3. Two days later, on March 5, the 13th National People's Congress (NPC), the country's top legislature, will convene.

What is a CPC plenum? 

Last October, Beijing witnessed a grand gathering for CPC members. A total of 2,287 Party delegates attended the 19th CPC National Congress, a national-level meeting usually held once every five years.
On the last day of the meeting, the 19th CPC Central Committee – the highest decision-making body in the CPC – was unveiled to lead the Party for the next five years.
 The 19th CPC National Congress opened in Beijing in October 2017. /Xinhua Photo

 The 19th CPC National Congress opened in Beijing in October 2017. /Xinhua Photo

Generally speaking, seven plenary sessions are held during the five-year tenure of the Central Committee members, with each plenum having its own work agenda.
For example, the first plenary session was held right after the 19th CPC Congress, during which members of the Political Bureau and other committees were elected. During the gathering, Xi Jinping was re-elected as the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee.
The second plenum was convened in January and reviewed proposed amendments of the national Constitution, including enshrining the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in the national constitution (it was written into the Party’s Constitution in October) and removing the two-term limit of the country's president and vice-president. The proposals were made public on Sunday.

What is the 'Third Plenum' about? 

CPC Central Committees have usually held the third plenum in autumn (between September and November) since 1984. The meeting would last between one to four days, during which decisions concerning major national development and economic issues would be passed.
The ongoing gathering will mainly focus on the CPC and government structural reforms and a new leadership positions.
The Third Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee will discuss issues including a detailed plan of the CPC and state institution reform, top leaders of state positions and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, as well as an economic development blueprint, Xinhua News Agency said on Sunday.

What policies were made at previous ‘Third Plenary Sessions’?

A billboard of Deng Xiaoping was seen in Shenzhen in September 2017. /VCG Photo 

A billboard of Deng Xiaoping was seen in Shenzhen in September 2017. /VCG Photo 

Dec. 18-22, 1978
Top agenda: The meeting laid out China's working focus – "comprehensive reform" and "opening-up." It also made Deng Xiaoping the core of the collective leadership of CPC Central Committee.
Oct. 20, 1984
Top agenda: The meeting urged to speed up economic reforms in cities, shifting the focus from the rural to urban areas.
Sept. 26-30, 1988
Top agenda: The meeting reiterated the guidelines of economic reforms and opening-up. At times of chaotic economic situation and surging prices, it laid out a plan on price and wage reforms to improve the economic environment.
Nov. 11-14, 1993
Top agenda: The meeting endorsed the concept that the "socialist market economy system was integrated with a basically socialist system, in which the market plays a fundamental role in resource allocation “with state macro control.” It also urged state-owned enterprises (SOEs) to create modern enterprise mechanisms.
Oct. 12-14, 1998
Top agenda: The meeting focused on advancing rural development – mapping agricultural and rural development goals and plans, and narrowing the rural-urban income gap.
Oct. 11-14, 2003
Top agenda: The meeting was held under the theme “new goals, new beginning” – mapping out reform and economic plans for the next 10 years and emphasized the need to improve people's livelihood and social development.
Oct. 9-12, 2008
Top agenda: The meeting called on further rural reforms by promoting modern agricultural methods and increasing agricultural industry production capacities and public services.
Nov. 9-12, 2013
Top agenda: The meeting vowed to deepen reform, giving the market a “decisive role” and strengthening judicial reforms.  
Photo features the Great People's Hall in Beijing. /Xinhua Photo

Photo features the Great People's Hall in Beijing. /Xinhua Photo

What would happen with regards to such policies? 

Chinese lawmakers will evaluate and vote on the proposals under discussion at the plenary sessions during the upcoming annual National People's Congress. After voting, the changes and amendments will either be passed or rejected.