Faces of CGTN: Seeing a different mission
By Job Bitange
I am Job Bitange. As a video editor with CGTN Africa, I joined it in April 2014, when it was called CCTV News. It has been an outstanding experience, and I hope it will continue to be an incredible journey.
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Coming from a humble background, I have lived half my life in East Africa's biggest slum, Kibera. Throughout my high school and college, I had to work as a laborer on several farms to pay the school fees, learning during the tough time that it is up to me to make things work.
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I consider myself lucky working for CGTN. It has been the most fulfilling position throughout my career, and I have been very enthusiastic and excited since I joined. As a video editor, it gives me professional satisfaction to see my work aired. At CGTN, I have made some friends and have also been reconnected with old friends.
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CGTN has supported me throughout my time here. With my very first bonus, I renovated the learning center I set up in Kibera. We expanded some of our classrooms. Our first Chinese visitors were colleagues from CGTN, who donated food and school supplies to the center. Since then, we have received many more CGTN colleagues, who were keen to help.
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I see a wonderful future ahead for CGTN in Nairobi.