Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is fighting a battle on two fronts: a scandal over suspected cronyism and cover-up, and a controversial revision to the Constitution. On Sunday, he apologized again for the anxiety caused by the scandal, and the resulting loss of confidence in his government.
SHINZO ABE JAPANESE PRIME MINISTER "Final responsibilities regarding the entire government would fall on me, as the prime minister. I would like to deeply apologize to the people again."
Abe was speaking at Liberal Democratic Party's annual convention. The prime minister's ratings have collapsed amid allegations of cronyism and an attempt to cover up the scandal. It involves the sale of state-owned land at a huge discount to a nationalist school operator with ties to his wife. Abe also promised to revise Japan's pacifist constitution, to lift limits on military involvement. The LDP convention approved a proposal in line with a plan floated by Abe last year.