2017 World’s Eye on China: Hi there! My name is C919
The C919 is China’s first domestically-built large passenger jet and it was designed with the world’s most advanced technology. It took 10 years to make and is a high performance plane that is ready to compete with the industry standard Airbus A320 and Bowing 737. 
In May 2017, the first C919 took to the skies, marking a milestone for the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAS), the Shanghai-based manufacturer of the C919.
The second C919 had a trial flight in December, which aimed at testing multiple key performance indicators, including the aircraft’s engines.  
As for its name, the “C” stands for both China and COMAS. The number 9 symbolizes its durability, as in Chinese, the pronunciation for “nine” is the same as “forever”. And 19 refers to the plane’s 190-seat maximum capacity.