Russia accuses US-led coalition of barbaric bombing of Syria's Raqqa
Russia accused the US-led coalition in Syria on Sunday of wiping the city of Raqqa "off the face of the earth" with carpet bombing in the same way the United States and Britain had bombed Germany's Dresden in 1945.
The Russian Defense Ministry said it looked like the West was now rushing to provide financial aid to Raqqa to cover up evidence of its own crimes.
Major-General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry, said in a statement that around 200,000 people had lived in Raqqa before the conflict in Syria, but that not more than 45,000 people remained.
A female fighter of Syrian Democratic Forces waves a flag in Raqqa, Syria, October 18, 2017. /Reuters Photo

A female fighter of Syrian Democratic Forces waves a flag in Raqqa, Syria, October 18, 2017. /Reuters Photo

US-backed militias in Syria declared victory over ISIL in Raqqa, the group's de facto capital, last week, raising flags over the last jihadist footholds after a four-month battle.
"Raqqa has inherited the fate of Dresden in 1945, wiped off the face of the earth by Anglo-American bombardments," said Konashenkov.
Most of the German city was destroyed in Allied bombing raids just before the end of World War Two.
Though he said Russia welcomed Western promises of financial aid to rebuild Raqqa, Konashenkov complained that numerous Russian requests for the West to give humanitarian aid to Syrian civilians in other parts of the country had been rejected in previous years.
Smoke rises after a landmine exploded as fighters of Syrian Democratic Forces cleared roads after the liberation of Raqqa, Syria, October 18, 2017. /Reuters Photo 

Smoke rises after a landmine exploded as fighters of Syrian Democratic Forces cleared roads after the liberation of Raqqa, Syria, October 18, 2017. /Reuters Photo 

"What is behind the rush by Western capitals to provide targeted financial help only to Raqqa?" said Konashenkov.
"There's only one explanation – the desire to cover up evidence of the barbaric bombardments by the US air force and the coalition as fast as possible and to bury the thousands of civilians 'liberated' from ISIL in the ruins."
The US-led coalition says it is careful to avoid civilian casualties in its bombing runs against ISIL in both Syria and Iraq, and investigates any allegations. It has previously denied killing civilians in air strikes on Raqqa, saying its goal is "zero civilian casualties."
Source(s): Reuters