Big Projects: Beidou navigation satellite system to be completed in 2020
Updated 13:30, 25-Apr-2019
Countries in the Belt and Road Initiative can now enjoy global positioning service provided by China's Beidou navigation satellite system. Ning Hong has this report.
One more step to a complete global navigation satellite system. On Saturday evening, China successfully launched the 44th Beidou-3 Navigation Satellite from Xichang satellite launch center.
YANG CHANGFENG, CHIEF DESIGNER BEIDOU NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM "This is the first time we introduced a Beidou-3 with an inclined GeoSynchronous Orbit, which will increase the positioning accuracy and coverage in the Asia-Pacific region."
China began building its navigation satellite system in 2000. So far it has 44 Beidou satellites in space.
NING HONG XICHANG SATELLITE LAUNCH CENTER "This is the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. 14 of the Beidou navigation satellites were launched from here last year, and there will be 13 more to be sent into space this year. The intense launch schedule is helping China meet its ambitious goal by 2020."
Since 2018, the Beidou system has been providing global services. Countries along the Belt and Road now can enjoy the Beidou System. In April, the second China and the Arabic Navigation Satellite Cooperation forum was held in Tunisia.
RAN CHENGQI, DIRECTOR CHINA NAVIGATION SATELLITE SYSTEM OFFICE "The forum attests to the results of our cooperation. Many achievements have been made in areas such as the establishment of the Beidou Center, the training and exchange of talents and applications, and the cooperation between companies and governments."
MOHAMED BEN AMOR, SECRETARY-GENERAL ARAB INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES ORGANIZATION "This forum will help the Beidou Navigation Satellite system gain more applications in the Arab region."
China is developing more applications, including for intelligent agriculture, transportation and drones. And such applications are also helping more countries along the Belt and road in land surveying and logistics. The positioning accuracy could reach to 5 meters in the Asian-Pacific region. Ning Hong, CGTN, Xichang.