​ ITTF Korea Open: Unified Korean table tennis squad formed
Updated 11:41, 24-Jul-2018
Little progress, if any, appears to have been made on denuclearization more than a month after the summit between U.S. President Donald Trump and DPRK leader Kim Jong Un. In the meantime though, Pyongyang and Seoul have made soft diplomacy a priority, and the only recent explosion on the peninsula has been in inter-Korean cooperation, particularly in sports, with the latest being table tennis. CGTN's Jack Barton has more from Daejeon.
The decision to field unified inter-Korean men's, women's and mixed doubles team at the International Table Tennis Federation's Korea Open was made just days before the event.
16 DPRK athletes arrived with barely enough time for one day of practice with their South Korean counterparts.
HYUN JUNG-HWA DEPUTY DIRECTOR, KOREAN TABLE TENNIS ASSOCIATION "Such a scene is really like a dream come true. I have pictured this in my mind many times that a unified team can be formed. I have always hoped to see a unified team since I was a member of the unified team last time, and I also hoped to have more sports exchanges with the DPRK. Although it's a bit late, it is good to start from now on."
It's only the third time since the end of the Second World War the Koreas have fielded a unified table tennis team. The first was back in 1991, when the women's doubles team surprised everyone by beating China in the finals. Back in May a unified women's doubles team also won a bronze medal in Sweden as tensions on the peninsula continued to ease. There are still a few days to go, but so far the unified doubles teams are doing well.
LEE EUN-YOUNG SOUTH KOREAN SPECTATOR "I think the game has been very exciting so far. The South Korean players have performed very well. And it's very exciting and fresh to watch the performance of the players from the DPRK at a close distance."
JACK BARTON DAEJEON "Existing United Nations sanctions means economic cooperation between the Koreas right now is all but impossible and Pyongyang is dealing with Washington when it comes to denuclearization, but there's no limit to inter-Korean cooperation when it comes to areas like sport."
The hope here is that the sporting cooperation that has grown since the Winter Olympics can build a foundation for a real improvement in ties.
LEE SEUL-BI SOUTH KOREAN SPECTATOR "I hope that besides sporting exchanges, more opportunities for people-to-people exchanges will be even better."
The Korea Open wraps up on the 22nd. But there are already plans for the DPRK to send athletes to South Korea for a world shooting competition in September. Even before that the Asia Games in Indonesia will witness unified Korean teams in many events, including the opening ceremony. Jack Barton for CGTN at the Korea Open in Daejeon.