BRICS Summit 2018: BRICS members, other African nations meet in Johannesburg
Updated 11:43, 27-Jul-2018
One major diplomatic activity for Chinese President Xi Jinping is to attend the tenth BRICS summit. The bloc represents Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, five of the world's major emerging economies. This year's meeting will be held in Johannesburg. Different from before, South Africa has extended an invitation to other African countries and developing economies, hoping to promote more comprehensive and strategic cooperation. CGTN's Yolisa Njamela will bring us more on who's attending the Johannesburg summit and why.
The leaders of the BRICS countries are expected to converge here in Johannesburg for the BRICS summit. President Cyril Ramaphosa will join them as a host president. South Africa has also determined that an outreach that will take place with African leaders will ensure support for African industrialisation and infrastructure development. For this outreach, a number of African countries have been invited in various capacities. These include Rwanda as the Chair of the African Union. Namibia will also attend as the incoming SADC. And Togo as the Chair of the Economic Community of West Africa.
AYANDA DLODLO PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION MINISTER OF SOUTH AFRICA "We all looking global leadership. It's not just leadership in our respective countries but as you know we would like to influence discourse on a number of issues around the world that speak to Agenda 2030, that speak to the visions and the values of the existence of BRICS itself."
The Head of the New Partnership for Africa's Development or NEPAD, the President of African Development Bank and six regional executive committee secretaries-generals have also been invited.
South Africa will also be hosting another event on the borders of the 10th BRICS Summit. The BRICS Plus Outreach, is being held to ensure maximum cooperation between the current South African chairmanship of BRICS and the Chinese chairmanship in 2017.
AYANDA DLODLO PUBLIC SERVICE & ADMINISTRATION MINISTER OF SOUTH AFRICA "The leadership summit takes into account a number of things including the development of the BRICS countries but also looking at the African continent and as we talk about BRICS plus, it means that we are inviting more participants to participate within the BRICS ambit to ensure that our countries grow exponentially in terms of the political democracy but also the economies of those countries."
Countries like Egypt, Argentina, Indonesia and Turkey have also been invited for BRICS Plus Outreach. International Relations department says the Secretary-General of the United Nations will also be invited for the outreach.
YOLISA NJAMELA JOHANNESBURG, SOUTH AFRICA "The Sandton Convention Centre will be abuzz with activity. Security is expected to be extremely tight and no one is allowed in this vicinity without the necessary accreditation. Yolisa Njamela, CGTN, Johannesburg, South Africa."