Tianjin's Xiao-hai-tun hearing-impaired chorus was formed four years ago, as a non-profit organization. The teachers here are volunteers coming from different backgrounds.
MOTHER OF CHORUS MEMBER "Teacher says D-O. All the five kids were singing in five different tones. They are all off tone. How can this be a chorus?"
YANG XIAOSHUANG VOLUNTEER "The kids don't even know high and low tones. They don't have the concept."
Yuhan has been in the chorus since not too long ago. Ms. Yang invited Yuhan to her home for make-up lessons. The lesson for today is to learn Si and La. Learning the two notes have taken Yuhan more than half a month. Every kid who enters the chorus has to go through the practice routine over and over again.
YANG XIAOSHUANG VOLUNTEER "D-O is a little closer to being accurate. I can only say a little bit. Try again tomorrow. And one day, D-O is on key. I will hold her tight and be so happy."
The chorus does not only give an opportunity for the kids to sing, but teachers in the group also take them to perform on different stages. That also includes exchanging ideas with various chorus groups.
The volunteers at Xiao-hai-tun set a goal when the chorus was formed: let the kids shine on an international stage. They want to use the opportunity for the kids to be confident. That dream has come true.
"From China, Tianjin Dolphin hearing disabled children's chorus."
ZHANG RUXIN VOLUNTEER "I say we will participate in the world-class competition. Why? It is simple. It is to show off your spirit and courage. I am not saying how hard or well singing could be. My alternate goal is to encourage the kids to open up and be optimistic."