The architectural style known as 'Brutalism' flourished in the 1960s and 1970s. It's known as one of the most cost-effect ways to build. But how does it influence design today? CGTN's Owen Fairclough has the story.
Washington DC, the seat of the US government and an oasis of Brutalism.
OWEN FAIRCLOUGH WASHINGTON "Many US federal government buildings here were built in the 1960s during Brutalism's heyday. But Brutalism made its mark everywhere in this city, and even underground. Metro passengers immerse themselves in Brutalism every day. These vast waffle-style ceilings are a feature of many downtown stations."
Deane Madsen created the Brutalist Map of Washington.
"There's just so much of it here. And, I'm not sure everyone appreciates it."
The Hirshhorn art museum is his jewel in the crown.
DEANE MADSEN FOUNDER, BRUTALIST DC "I love Brutalism because of its textural aspects and the sort of raw materiality and expression of structure. And all those are all things that are on high display here at the Hirshhorn with deep recessed coffers 9 feet deep, the mass of the building elevated off the ground, a good 14 feet on these concrete pillars. So that's 50 thousand tonnes of concrete just suspended over this beautiful courtyard."
But Brutalism is divisive, and the term, originating from the French "béton brut" or raw concrete, is confusing.
"Brutalism, it's being cruel to somebody"
"Brutalism, when someone is beating on another person that cannot defend themselves."
"Like the brute force or something like that."
"Ahh, architecture."
"I like it, it's very modern."
"It's quite stark, simplistic does its job."
"To me, it evokes Soviet art."
"It's plain, it's kind of ugly."
And that's partly why Brutalism is under threat. This church near the White House was torn down in 2014.
OWEN FAIRCLOUGH WASHINGTON "And replaced by this office and retail development."
Speaking of the White House, Donald Trump has also waded into the Brutalism debate, he reportedly supports demolishing the FBI headquarters. Even a Brutalism-lover like Deane understands why.
DEANE MADSEN FOUNDER, BRUTALIST DC "People look at the FBI building and see the agency that inhabits it that is secretive, and maybe clandestine, and the building certainly reinforces those notions of what the FBI does."
But from India, to France and the United Kingdom, Brutalism is a piece of worldwide heritage. So, why is it worth preserving when doing so can be costly?
DEANE MADSEN FOUNDER, BRUTALIST DC "A lot of proponents of Brutalism refer to the style as heroic in nature that it's something that was celebrating - an ethos, a spirit, an optimism - building a better future that is equally hard to reproduce these days."
And this radical architecture continues to inspire, critically acclaimed punk band Idles summed up the post-austerity climate of their native Britain by naming their debut album Brutalism. Owen Fairclough, CGTN, Washington.