Energy Cooperation: APEC members discuss sustainable energy
Updated 22:15, 25-Sep-2018
Delegates from APEC member economies have been meeting in the north of China to discuss sustainable energy. The two-day annual gathering was organized by the APEC Sustainable Energy Center in the port city of Tianjin. Our reporter Ning Hong has the story.
APEC members are sharing their experiences developing sustainable energy. Although APEC members have very different energy structures and objectives. A platform is now available for them to address their needs.
JON SIBLEY POLICY ADVISOR, AUSTRALIAN RENEWABLE ENERGY AGENCY "The Australian government is looking at policies to meet the Paris commitments, so that would require further investment in renewable energy."
HENRIETTE JACOBA ROEROE GOVERNOR ADVISOR OF SUSTAINABLE DEV'T, BITUNG SEZ IN INDONESIA "We would like to develop the tourism sites, but we would like also to conserve the biodiversity there. We need the energy, that's why APEC is involved there, because we need the sustainable energy there."
HON CHUNG LAI DEPUTY DIR., ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SERVICES DEPT., HONG KONG SAR "We would like to see at least one city from each economic entity join this sustainable city program."
Founded in 2014, the APEC Sustainable Energy Center is working to promote sustainable energy technology among APEC members.
ZHU LI PRESIDENT, APEC SUSTAINABLE ENERGY CENTER "We are going to solve the problem, and meet the challenge for the energy low carbon transition in city development."
Its mission is also supported by Tianjin University.
YUAN YINGJIN VICE PRESIDENT, TIANJIN UNIVERSITY "Research on sustainable energy is vital to Tianjin University, and we have some promising achievements in smart power grids, environmental research, and the chemical industry."
This year APEC Sustainable Energy Center started two new programs. One is a training base inside a flagship energy project. This is a project built by the State Grid. Using integrated energy sources such as geothermal and solar energy, which can save more power.
ZHAO KUNPENG SECTION CHIEF, STATE GRID CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTER "We deployed different energy systems. It is modularized and easy to plug in so that it can meet the needs of regions with different energy structures."
Another project of APEC Sustainable Energy Center is the Clean Coal Technology Transfer Program Joint Center, run by China's National Energy Technology and Economics Research Institute.
JIANG WENHUA PRESIDENT, CHINA'S NAT'L ENERGY TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS RESEARCH INSTITUTE "We are systematically introducing clean coal technology, and provide training to personnel from the Asia Pacific region. We are also building a platform for technology exchange."
China is now a fast growing market for sustainable energy. Measures include developing solar, wind and geothermal power, and promoting clean coal technology across the country.
NING HONG TIANJIN "Working together, APEC members are promoting sustainable energy. Each step taken means progress toward fulfilling APEC's obligation to the Paris Accord. Ning Hong, CGTN, Tianjin."