On the sidelines of the expo, Myanmar's Vice President U Myint Swe talked about why the Maritime Silk Road is a project he considers "indispensable". He also forecast where he sees the most growth in terms of China-Myanmar cooperation. CGTN's Sun Ye spoke with him.
U MYINT SWE VICE PRESIDENT, MYANMAR "Collaboration on the 21st century Maritime Silk Road is the theme for this year's China-ASEAN Expo, and also what Myanmar has been working on. The initiative aims for the big picture, but also boosts the domestic economy. And as we work with China on it, from transportation facilities to power plants, we come to think of the initiative as indispensable. We will continue to proactively engage in the initiative, and we will work proactively with China."
SUN YE CGTN REPORTER "And what are the areas that are going to see the biggest growth between the two countries?"
U MYINT SWE VICE PRESIDENT, MYANMAR "Well, 70 percent of Myanmar's population works in agriculture. It's our pillar industry. China has a great market for that, and it has advanced agricultural technologies. We could all grow and benefit in many ways. The other thing we aim to grow heavily is our digital economy. Today, innovation is part and parcel of national growth. China has been a leader in digital economy. And we are looking up to that."