The 32nd summit and related meetings of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have opened in Singapore. Major topics include trade tensions between the US and China, Friday's inter-Korean summit, and the South China Sea. Earlier CGTN's Miro Lu briefed us on the summit.
MIRO LU, SINGAPORE "Today's agenda will mostly be about ASEAN's economic integration. Amid growing anti-globalization and protectionism sentiment, ASEAN is committed to its economic integration. It has set an ambitious goal the AEC 2025. By then, we should see free flows of goods, services, labors among the 10 Southeast Asian countries. This is hard to achieve because of the diversity of ASEAN economies, from Singapore to Laos. But we have seen the commitment from ASEAN leaders, simply because we face the same challenges and we are stronger together. Four out of ten ASEAN countries are part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership. TPP 11. Other ASEAN countries are thinking about entering the pact. A media report this month said Indonesia might lead other ASEAN countries for negotiations. Singapore is pushing to follow this agenda."