Welcome back to China 24. Think tank representatives from China and South Asian countries are gathered in the Nepalese capital Kathmandu this week for a summit on consensus building. Discussions are mainly focusing on environmental protection and connectivity for sustainable development. Mao Dan reports.
"China and India are the new technology and AI giants. If they work together, we robots will move faster."
A call for closer cooperation among Asian nations, made by humanoid robot Sophia, is heard loud and clear at the Himalayan Consensus Summit here in Kathmandu.
The summit, now in its third year, aims to build consensus among key stakeholders in the Himalayan area over preserving the environment and boosting connectivity across South Asia and beyond.
LAURENCE BRAHM FOUNDING DIRECTOR OF HIMALAYAN CONSENSUS INSTITUTE "This is a region that has the highest population density, some of the highest poverty level but also the highest GDP growth. It's a region of great challenges and also opportunities."
More than 70 representatives from int'l organizations, regional think tanks, and businesses hold intensive discussions on how to realize sustainable development while avoiding conflict.
LAURENCE BRAHM FOUNDING DIRECTOR OF HIMALAYAN CONSENSUS INSTITUTE "For 2018 these dialogues will deal with shared environment, water resources, community, and of course try to find ways to understand how the Belt and Road of China and the Act East policy of India could have more in common and more synergy than difference."
The idea of building people-and-environment-based consensus is welcomed and very much shared by think tanks like China's Charhar Institute.
HUANG YOUYI SENIOR CONSULTANT, CHARHAR INSTITUTE OF CHINA "It's very important that we all identify the same cause: What's the most important issue that we face in South Asia and China? Peace and Development. If we can agree on that, then we can work together and try to map out the best routes for our individual country's development and also for regional development."
As with many endeavors at this scale, the summit is starting with small steps and concrete actions with the hope of eventually achieving long-term goals. Mao Dan CGTN KATHMANDU.