China's unmanned submersible 'Hailong 11000' completes first sea test
By Gao Yun
China’s unmanned submersible "Hailong 11000" completed its first sea test in the western Pacific Ocean on Friday.
The submersible reached a diving depth of 410 meters from the Chinese research vessel Dayang Yihao (Ocean No. 1) at 4:45 p.m. local time.
China’s unmanned submersible "Hailong 11000" descending into the water. /Xinhua Photo

China’s unmanned submersible "Hailong 11000" descending into the water. /Xinhua Photo

It underwent a comprehensive inspection by the expedition team on its monitoring, dynamical, propelling, and positioning systems, and went back to the dock at 6:25 p.m. local time.
The submersible conducted a sound performance underwater with all parameters within a normal range, said Chu Fengyou, chief scientist of Dayang Yihao.
The vehicle is able to dive to a depth of 11,000 meters, added Chu. It will complete an 11,000-meter-deep sea test in three years, according to the China Ocean Mineral Resources R&D Association.
Dayang Yihao, China’s 5,600-ton research vessel, departed Qingdao, east China’s Shandong Province, on March 20, taking scientists on a 45-day scientific expedition.
China’s 5,600-ton research vessel, Dayang Yihao /VCG Photo

China’s 5,600-ton research vessel, Dayang Yihao /VCG Photo

The ship is carrying advanced scientific equipment and unmanned submersibles "Hailong" and "Qianlong." The “Hailong III”, which is able to dive to a depth of 6,000 meters, completed two sea tests of 400 meters and 2,000 meters from the research vessel before "Hailong 11000."
(With input from Xinhua News Agency)