Modi congratulates Xi on election as Chinese president
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday congratulated Xi Jinping again on his election as Chinese president in a phone talk, pledging closer exchanges and strengthened ties.
Modi added that Xi's election demonstrates that he enjoys the support of the whole Chinese nation.
On Monday, Modi used Weibo, China's version of Twitter, to congratulate Xi on being elected as leader of the country.
Both India and China are ancient civilizations with global influence, Modi said, adding that India will work with China to enhance high-level exchanges, deepen bilateral ties, strengthen coordination and cooperation in international affairs to further a closer developmental partnership between the two countries and promote global and regional peace and development.
Xi appreciated Modi's congratulation, saying the just-concluded annual sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) have achieved a great success.
At the sessions, a new state leadership and the leadership of the CPPCC National Committee were elected, important proposals such as constitutional amendments were approved, while a new round of institutional restructuring of the State Council has started, Xi said.
China will deepen its reform and opening up, he said, adding that China, while realizing its own development, will make greater contribution to the common development and progress of the world. 
(With input from Xinhua)