Beijing launches point-based hukou system
By Li Shengnan
Non-Beijingers will be able to apply for registration as permanent urban residents of the Chinese capital. The city's new point-based household registration system will open on Monday. 
Beijing has not yet determined the total points required, but some qualifications and their point values are known.
An applicant must have a temporary Beijing residence permit, be below retirement age, have made social insurance payments for seven consecutive years, and have no criminal record.
Those with suitable employment, stable homes in Beijing, strong educational background, and achievements in innovation are likely to score well.
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By the end of 2017, the number of people holding a Beijing hukou reached 14 million, with the city's permanent population totaling over 20 million.
A Beijing hukou means better social welfare benefits and access to public schools for children.
The point-based system has been piloted in first-tier cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen.
The initiative aims at limiting the rapid growth of permanent residents. 
Beijing hopefuls have two months to get their applications done. The winners will be announced in the fourth quarter.