A massive demonstration has been staged in central Paris. Protesters are urging the French government and the international community to do more to tackle global warming. This weekend's demonstrations come one week after a UN report warned of "catastrophe" unless there are drastic changes. It stressed the need to phase out coal by 2050 if the world is to limit global warming to a maximum of one-point-five degrees Celsius. France is seeing summer-like temperatures, and also the warmest in the last seven decades for this time of the year. CGTN's Stefan de Vries reports from Paris.
STEFAN DE VRIES PARIS "On what is probably going to be the hottest October day in history, thousands and thousands of people are marching in the streets of Paris to ask their government to take action against climate change."
It is 27 degrees Celsius on Saturday, 10 degrees above the October average. The extreme temperatures seem to become the norm and that's worrying more and more people.
Stefan: "Why are you here today?"
Lady: "For him. To make sure he will have a green future, to make sure that there is still hope."
All ages took part in the rally. From the old who realize that they contributed to climate change.
MAN: "I know I'm responsible. It's true. We were blind to the conditions that we are seeing today. The situation now is very, very serious."
To the future generation.
Girl: "It's important to save our planet for our future and that of our children when we are big."
Boy: "It says 'Sauver la planet' which means 'Save the Planet', because maybe one day it will be too hot."
STEFAN DE VRIES PARIS "This is the second in a series of monthly demonstrations to demand action against climate change. And on Saturday, people are not only marching in Paris, but in more than 50 other French cities, in Switzerland, Belgium and Germany. The people marching here hope that it's still not too late to save our planet. Stefan de Vries in Paris for CGTN."