2019.05.18 10:09 GMT+8

Warm moment: Near threatened Reed Parrotbill breeding chicks


A mother Reed Parrotbill was found breeding her chicks in Hongze Lake is in Jiangsu Province, China. Reed Parrotbill, also known as “the panda of birds”, is a rare species only found in eastern China.

Reed Parrotbill chicks are waiting for their mother. /VCG Photo

The mother Reed Parrotbill comes back with a worm in her mouth. /VCG Photo

The mother Reed Parrotbill feeding her chicks. /VCG Photo

Reed Parrotbill is list as Near Threatened on IUCN Red List. /Ming Zhang from Luli Studio Photo 

Reed Parrotbill mainly inhabits reeds, the continued degradation and reclamation have threatened the tinny birds. 

General information of Reed Parrotbill. /CGTN Graphic

(Cover image via VCG.)

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