Culture & Sports
2018.10.15 23:42 GMT+8

Reporter's diary: Media chiefs set for hot debate in Chongqing

By John Goodrich

The drama of the Chongqing skyline seemed an apt background as the CGTN Digital team arrived in the city to put the finishing touches on preparations for the CGTN Global Media Summit.

The cityscape soars high and dips low, apartment blocks climb from deep valleys and architecture undulates to match the unique topography.

Enter a first floor from the street, and climb 10 levels to find traffic streaming by the windows outside.

For many in the media industry, the arrival of new technologies has created a similarly dramatic – and sometimes chaotic – environment.

CGTN reporter John Goodrich tastes the authentic Chongqing flavors. /CGTN Photo

In Chongqing, for example, Tiktok-loving tourists crowd to the perfect shooting spot for a clip of one of the city's famous landmarks – the subway line running through the middle of a building to a building, or the Hongya Cave.

Sharing that video on one of many specialized apps or checking out what others have posted is second nature for millions – this is their mainstream media.

But how to understand and classify them? Can they be a news source? A disruptor in the media industry? Or just a 21st-century postcard?

That's just one of the dilemmas on the agenda as media leaders from around the world gather in southwestern China on Tuesday and Wednesday for CGTN's second Global Media Summit, themed "Opening and Connecting the World."

CGTN reporter John Goodrich (L) conducts street interviews. /CGTN Photo

Leading figures from international organizations including the BBC, RT, AP, AFP, Reuters, CNN and Fox will join top names from Chinese media to discuss issues important for everyone – from content creators to content consumers.

On-trend issues will be at the heart of the summit, with the agenda featuring the growing power of amateur content, the role of technologies like blockchain in media, and lessons that can be shared between traditional and modern platforms.

The finishing touches are being put on the summit venue, so remember to join CGTN's online platforms for comprehensive coverage and exclusive interviews with some of the top names in global media.

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