2019.05.08 17:56 GMT+8

China expresses opposition to U.S.' 'Taiwan Assurance Act'


China resolutely opposes the "Taiwan Assurance Act" and has lodged solemn representations with the United States, said Geng Shuang, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Wednesday.

Geng's remarks come after the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday approved the so-called "Taiwan Assurance Act of 2019," which supports Taiwan increasing its defense spending. The legislation also notes Washington should conduct "regular sales and defense articles" to Taiwan and back its participation in international organizations.

The act severely violates the one-China principle and stipulations in the three China-U.S. Joint Communiques, Geng stressed. He said the legislation interferes with China's internal affairs, harms China's sovereignty and security interests, and seriously damages China-U.S. ties.

"We urge the United States to keep its promise, abide by the one-China principle and the three joint communiques, handle Taiwan-related issues prudently to avoid serious damage to bilateral ties as well as to peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait," noted Geng.

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