2019.01.20 07:52 GMT+8

Wildlife of China: The red panda

By Li Yunqi

‍The red panda is an endangered species that is native to China, much like its namesake, the giant panda. Even though they're both called "panda" , the red panda is a totally different species from the more commonly recognized black and white bear.

General red panda information. /CGTN Graphic

The word "panda" is believed to be derived from the Nepalese word "nigalya ponya" which means "bamboo eater". Just as the name suggests, the red panda is also a huge fan of bamboo. However, the red panda is more selective than the giant panda and only eats the bamboo shoots and leaves.

A red panda crouching on a tree branch. /VCG Photo

This adorable and furry little creature looks very similar to a raccoon thanks to its partially white face and the white-ringed tails. However, red pandas have shiny reddish-brown fur, round head, and stronger legs.

The red panda is an excellent climber. It can spend almost all of its life on the tree without setting foot on the ground. Because of its herbivorous nature and low calorie intake, it barely does anything other than eating and sleeping so as to avoid energy loss.

The red panda's favorite position on a tree branch. /VCG Photo

The temperate forests of the Himalayas are the natural home to the red panda. Sichuan Province in southwestern China has the largest and the most stable population of the red panda in the world. However, spotting one in the wild is very difficult, because it is a solitary animal and rarely comes out during the day.

Closeup of a red panda. /VCG Photo

The loss of habitat and low birth rate in the wild all account for the endangered status of the red panda, which is why the majority of the world's red panda population lives in captivity. 

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