Culture & Sports
2018.09.06 16:53 GMT+8

LeBron James says he 'stands with Nike' in reference to Kaepernick ad campaign

Li Xiang

Three-time NBA champion LeBron James said on Tuesday that he "stands with Nike," in reference to the company's controversial decision to use former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick as the face of their newest advertisement campaign.

The Lakers forward made the remarks while accepting an award for his style and philanthropy from Harlem's Fashion Row. Nike partnered with the New York event, which concentrated on diversity in the fashion world.

"For anybody who believes in change, I stand with Nike, all day, every day," said James at the end of his speech.

Colin Kaepernick (#7) and Eric Reid (#35) kneel during the national anthem before a game between the San Francisco 49ers and the Carolina Panthers at Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina, September 18, 2016. /VCG Photo

Kaepernick made headlines during the 2016 season by kneeling during the national anthem of NFL games to protest against social injustice, including police brutality and racial inequality. He was also joined by many other players in his protest. His first ad with Nike's new campaign was unveiled on Monday, with the slogan: "Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything."

Nike's choice has enraged a lot of fans. Some even burned or cut out the company's signature logo from apparel before posting the results on social media platforms. It wasn't long before US President Donald Trump made his opinion known.

"I think it’s a terrible message that [Nike] are sending and the purpose of them doing it, maybe there’s a reason for them doing it. But I think as far as sending a message, I think it’s a terrible message and a message that shouldn’t be sent. There’s no reason for it," said Trump to the Daily Caller on Tuesday.

US President Donald Trump voiced his opinion of the Nike advertisement in a tweet. /Screenshot of Twitter

It comes as no surprise that James supports Nike's choice considering he has criticized Trump multiple times before. The four-time NBA MVP was not alone either. Bethann Hardison, a fashion activist, said she's "a huge, huge, wholehearted supporter of Colin" and felt "proud" that Nike understands Colin's action and rewards him for doing it.

"It was tastefully done. And really, this is the time to stand up for what you believe in. Colin Kaepernick has done that and I think that we need to follow his example and really go where the heart leads, instead of where everybody expects you to go," said African-American designer Tracy Reese.

(Top picture: LeBron James attends Harlem's Fashion Row in New York City. /VCG Photo)

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