First musical drama about a 7th-century Chinese monk opens in London
Updated 07:53, 24-Jul-2018
By Richard Bestic
A musical drama based on one of the most important books in Chinese history has taken to the stage in London.
It is the ancient and mystical story of Xuanzang’s seventh century pilgrimage to India, a storyline based on a 16th century account called "Journey to the West."
The London production is being hailed as a musical drama of epic scale, with 24 musicians performing on stage and supported by another 80 musicians, all from the China National Traditional Orchestra. It combines music from a variety of China’s 55 ethnic groups, including the Hans, Uygurs, Kazaks and Tajiks.
Musicians pose for a photo. /CGTN Photo

Musicians pose for a photo. /CGTN Photo

The London promoters say the mix of traditional music, intricate costumes and stunning multi-media projections make this an event to fire the imagination.
It tells the story of Chinese monk Xuanzang (602-664), who for 17 years traveled the Silk Roads across China on a pilgrimage to India, visiting Buddhist holy places and discovering scriptures.
Following his journey, Buddhism became more prevalent and more widely understood in China and subsequently elsewhere in the world.
One of the musicians plays a traditional Chinese instrument in the musical "Xuanzang’s Pilgrimage." /CGTN Photo

One of the musicians plays a traditional Chinese instrument in the musical "Xuanzang’s Pilgrimage." /CGTN Photo

The London showing of "Xuanzang’s Pilgrimage" is the first outside China.
Even touring around London as ordinary tourists, the cast of "Xuanzang's Pilgrimage" has never let the work fade away from their minds.
They have the double challenge of bringing to the stage at London’s famous Sadler’s Wells Theater this 16th century epic both as musicians and actors.
Ancient it may be, but Ding Xiaokui, who plays the traveling monk as a young man, said the production uses all the latest stage techniques.
Musicians pose for a photo. /CGTN Photo

Musicians pose for a photo. /CGTN Photo

"Our story of 'Xuanzang’s Prilgrimage' not only has a dramatic storyline," said  Ding Xiaokui, "but also it’s a magnificent multi-media stage production, with beautiful classical Chinese music. All these elements come together for a fantastic show."
One of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature, the show’s promoters in London say audiences will recognize the basic themes.
"It’s about traveling," said Sebastian Merrick of Pui Entertainments. "About meeting your neighbors. About how you deal with difficulties along the way, when you try something new when you get out of your comfort zone. It’s about living your dream as well. You know, having a goal and trying to reach it, and I think it should inspire us to face our challenges. Definitely."
Musicians pose for a photo in front of the National Gallery in the UK. /CGTN Photo

Musicians pose for a photo in front of the National Gallery in the UK. /CGTN Photo

The dream is very much part of this new production, a mix of intricate costumes and stunning scenography. Its message is universal, according to the cast.
"In all cultures, music connects people in the same way," said Meng Xiao, a Pipa player in the show. "Our perceptions of music are the same. 'Xuanzang’s Pilgrimage' shows mainly that through hard work he brought back the Buddhist scriptures, and we too need to work hard here in Britain to make the show a success."