2018.10.19 20:11 GMT+8

Policeman detains teacher for punishing his daughter


A teacher was recently detained by a student's father after she had her stand outside the classroom as punishment. The controversy has stirred discussion in China on the abuse of power.

Zhao Mingzhong, a deputy police chief, took a 27-year-old teacher surnamed He into custody after learning that she had made his daughter stand outside the classroom for being late to class, according to the Paper.

The primary school teacher from Zhuzhou county in central China's Hunan Province was detained for over seven hours.

Zhao's wife had even called the police station while the teacher was in custody to say that their daughter had been beaten by the teacher, according to the investigation by local authorities.

The teacher claims that she was stuck in an interrogation room for over seven hours without food or drink. She later apologized to the family at the station, saying she would take responsibility if their daughter was hurt. However, a physical exam showed no signs of injury on Zhao's daughter.

"I never beat any student for their being late," she said on WeChat. "I taught each student carefully, but why I was treated like this in turn?"

The teacher expresses her feelings about the incident on WeChat. /Screenshot from People's Daily. 

Three days later, the police station apologized to the teacher for the treatment.

Moreover, Zhao will be dismissed from his post, according to local authorities.

This incident has triggered heated discussions on the country's social media platforms, with many questioning how Zhao could abuse his power to such extent.

A cartoon depicting the teacher detained by the student's father 

'It is against the law and abuse of power," said @Xiaokanfengyun.

"The police should not be a disorderly mob or bandits. Please return the education rights back to teachers. If not, the future of our country will be endangered. Who will have the courage to educate these students? " said @Zhuifeng.

"The main problem was that private outlets were poorly regulated and monitored," said Manguomangmangguo.

"Please take the kid back home," said @O Yong, "It is too risky to teach students with such a father."

Statement from the local police station 

The head of the school said that local education and administrative authorities will continue investigating the case.

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